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7 Social Studies Assignments

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RVTP p. 606
CCT--Lessons 1-3 all
RS 12 and 13
Travel Brochure
What is the purpose of a travel brochure?
Create a list factors that would encourage people to visit a particular place that we studied in India. (Look back at the maps, attractions and historical significance of the places we have studied.)
Use the internet or other resources to research information about geography, climate, history etc. of the region you have selected.
Write and illustrate a travel brochure that would attract travelers to the region.  Brochures should be persuasive, attractive and highlight the information researched by each group.



Review Guide---Japan
(Be prepared for a quiz that only covers the information below from your notes and textbook.)
Lesson 1
-4 major Islands--name them, identify them on a map
% of land farmable
What is Japan, physically?
Ainu/Traditional--backgrounds of each
Chinese and Korean influences
Lesson 2
tanka (see the poem assignment)
Lesson 3
Samurai Society (Social Structure p. 573)
-What is the relationship between emperor, Shogun, Daimyo/Samurai and peasants?



Write a Tanka...or two.
The most popular form of poetry of the Heian period was the tanka, a poem written to mark an event.  The tanka has five lines with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable count.  Let the scene from The Tale of Genji be an influence to your poems.
Write two original tankas that follow the guidelines above.
Recite one of your tankas to the class.



The Tale of Genji
Read the excerpt on p. 570-571
Answer the following questions:
About the Reading
a. Why can't Genji inherit the throne?  *Why do you think this rule was put into place?  
1. *What kind of modern-day American event might be compared to the emperor's visit?
2. What does the attendance by the nobility tell you about the event?
3. Draw the dance between Genji and To-no-Chiujio, as it is described in the text. (Seriously)
4. *Describe the music that comes to your mind as the you read the passage about the concert.  
Complete Connect Literature to History on p. 571



Cultural-Borrowing Collage
What is cultural borrowing?
How can one culture borrow customs from another?
Make a list of 10 items that are common in the US but originated in another country.
Create a collage that depicts the items on your list and the country of origin.



Finish Samurai questions.



Watch the first 20 minutes of the documentary above.  Write a 1/2 page summary of what was covered.



What are a U.S. president’s war powers?

With a drone strike last week, President Donald Trump authorized the killing of a prominent Iranian military figure–Qassem Soleimani– and also reopened a potentially explosive debate about when presidents can use their military power without approval from Congress.

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on, and pass, a resolution aimed at limiting the president’s power to engage militarily with Iran. It is not expected to pass the Senate.

READ MORE: WATCH LIVE: House to vote on restricting Trump’s actions against Iran

As that debate swirls, we thought it might be helpful to look at recent conflicts which were—or were not—authorized by Congress.

First, some important terms that you will likely hear more this week:

Article II powers – this is a reference to the president’s powers enumerated in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Article II designates the president as the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

War powers resolution – this can be a broad term, referring to an act of Congress intended to grant, or more often limit, broad war powers of the president. But it also is a phrase used to describe the 1973 War Powers Act, which set Congressional guidelines for the president’s deployment of military force.

Authority to Use Military Force – this is a resolution passed by each house of Congress which grants a president specific powers to launch military action, often against a specific group or location.

Recent major hostilities and authorization or lack thereof:

Korean War. 1950 – 1953.
No Congressional authorization.
1.7 million U.S. troops deployed in theater.

Vietnam War. 1964 – 1974.
No Congressional authorization.
3.4 million U.S. troops deployed in theater.

Gulf War. 1991.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 250-183. Senate 52-47.
500,000 U.S. troops sent to Persian Gulf.

War on Terror. 2001 – present.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 420 – 1. Senate 98 – 0.
Initially included 775,000 troops sent to Afghanistan.

Iraq War. 2002.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 296 – 133. Senate 77 – 23.
170,000 U.S. troops at peak deployment in Iraq.



Chapter 15, Sections 1 and 2 "comic strips"
Use the red and blue headlines for each section in the lower portion of the strip
Draw an illustration that represents each headline in the larger, upper portion of the strip
Write a brief description of each of your illustrations
*If you were absent on Monday, you need to get the comic strip template from Mr. Powell.
We will be completing chapter 15 by Monday at the latest.  Read and take notes on sections 3 and 4 of chapter 15.  Study the vocabulary.  Chapter 15 test will likely be on next Wednesday.



1. Print Advertisement (Print ads are those that you would find in a magazine or newspaper.)
*Change in plan since I spoke to Leila Paige, Cassie and Xander at lunch.  BOTH ASSIGNMENTS NEED TO BE DONE INDIVIDUALLY!
Choose one of the Chinese intentions featured on p. 527.
Create an ad for the print ad for the invention.  Your ad should tell why the invention was important to society.  It should also mention which dynasty the invention is associated with.  Printer paper is on the front table. (Due Wednesday)
2. Review the list of Chinese Inventions on p. 527.
This is to be done alone.  Choose one of the inventions listed on p. 527.  You will create a "museum exhibit" for a virtual museum the class will create.  Your exhibit will take up one spot in the museum named, "Chinese Tech".  Use the internet to research information about the tech you have chosen.  Your exhibit should show and explain how the process or device worked., what it was used for and what it looked like. (Due Friday)



All Answers can be found in Section 1 of chapter 15--China.
Interpret Maps
1. Which dynasty controlled the largest area?
2. Which dynasty was larger, the Sui or the Song?
3. How long is the Great Wall that is shown on the map?  (kilometers and miles)
Empress Wu--read
4. What is an, "iron fist"?
5. Speculate: Why do you think Empress Wu thought her sons were not fit to rule?  Create a 1 minute script that tells the story of Empress Wu and her decision to keep power for herself.  Perform it with no script.
The Age of Buddhism
6. Where did Buddhism begin?
7. What were the conditions like during the Period of Disunion that made it easy for Buddhism to spread rapidly in China?
8. Get one of the old SS books.  On p. 139 you will find the Eightfold Path of Buddhism.  List each of the steps along with the small description.   With your, partner choose any five of the ideas of the Eightfold Path.  Act them out with no words in a skit.  Each one should not be longer than 15 seconds.
9. Conduct research on the history of Buddhism in China.  Compile a list of ten important events relating to Buddhism in China.  Identify the dates as closely as possible.
10. Draw Buddha based on actual images of him. (All group members must submit their own drawing.)
11. List, in order of greatest work to least work provided for this lesson, the names of people who contributed the most to the least.



Finish Great Wall questions 4, 4 and 5
Make sure you do your best work on the first 4 drawing.



Chapter 14 Test--Early African Civilizations
Study Guide
Know all bold chapter vocabulary
West Africa's Resources
Families, Religion and Daily Life
Silent Barter
Trade in Ghana and West Africa
Ghana's Decline
Mansa Musa (This section will have the most questions on the test.  Study this section very well.)
Storytellers Maintain Oral History (Relate this to the telephone game.)
West Africans Value Arts
No current events will be on this test.
Due this week.  We will settle on a due date in class on Monday.
a.  Define in your own words (not the book definition)  animism, extended family, kinship system, matrilineal, patrilineal
b. Mansa Musa'a hajj--What is the story?
RVTP p. 512
silent barter
kinship system
Mansa Musa
oral history
14 a, b,c 
15 a
16 a, b,c
RT 19, 20



Caravan Packing List
What were the difficulties of loading a caravan?
What items would be needed to travel in the desert, for days at a time?
Food and water
goods to trade
extreme temperatures
distance travelled
Compile a list of necessities for a week long way!
Write an explanation of why each of your items is essential.



Study Africa map for at least 10 minutes
read pp. 480-483
answer in nb:
What good cam to Ghana from the north? p. 481
Where were copper mines located? p.481
How did camels change Saharan trade? p.482



Study Africa map at least 15 minutes.



The Drinking Age Debate
Complete the WS handed out in class on Monday.



Section 1 Questions
1. What caused the great rift valleys in eastern Africa?
2. How has rainfall impacted plant life in the Sahel?  The savannah?  the rainforests?
3. Explain how religion was central to West African life.
4. What were three effects of the development of iron tools?



Create your own current events handout based on the news broadcast provided in the link.
Follow the example format, which is also below.






Current Events

The Dutch Solution



  1. What does the term, disaster, rebuild, repeat mean? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Why don’t the Dutch people buy flood insurance like people in the USA?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Who is Henk Ovink? What is his job? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Circle the Netherlands on the map below.








  1. What preventive measures has the Netherlands put in place to reduce the damage that flooding has on their country? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. How does the storm surge barrier work? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. Shade in the North Sea on the map above.
  4. How much money did the Netherlands spend on the storm surge barrier? How does Ovink justify the price they paid? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. *What were the monetary damages done by Hurricane Katrina? What was the human toll? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • List the 5 ws and h for “The Disaster”? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What is the function of the dunes? How do they prevent flooding? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Why is the Netherlands sometimes called, “The Storm Drain of Europe?” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What is Ovenk’s opinion on how the US deals with disasters. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Comment on any portion of this story that you found interesting. What did you learn? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • *What does FEMA stand for? What is its responsibility? Name three non-flood related events FEMA has responded to.  Has FEMA responded to any local events? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • What are some of the problems that Hoboken, New Jersey faced due to flooding? How did FEMA respond initially? Was there a flaw in this response? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • How did Ovenk influence the response? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Why were some residents of Hoboken upset with the plan? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • Paraphrase Ovenk’s closing statement in this story. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Read the two articles handed out in class on Monday.  Answer the following questions in you notebook:
1. Who does the US government believe is behind the bombings in Saudi Arabia?
2. What does this country say about the US accusations?
3. What facility in Saudi Arabia was bombed?
4. Who is the President of Iran?
5. Previous to the latest bombing in Saudi Arabia, what other events have occurred in the Persian Gulf region?
6. What has the latest bombing in Saudi Arabia affected its oil production.
7. Explain the supply and demand scenario we discussed in class.
California gas prices are likely to rise after attack on Saudi oil plant
8. Why are gas prices in the US likely to rise in the next two weeks?
9. What is likely to happen to US gas prices do not return to normal after two weeks?  Why is this likely?
10. Why might this attack in Saudi Arabia be as bad for Amreican consumers of oil than it may have been 20 years ago?


