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6 Social Studies Assignments

Mr. Peter Powell
2019-2020 School Year
6th Grade
Imagine that you are a group of historians who are living in the year 2999 who are writing about the young people of the early 2000s.  Present to the class how this generation of young people should be remembered.  Topics must include include music, food, clothing, education and entertainment.  You may choose other topics to research with teacher approval.
The questions you should start with are:
What do we eat?  What are our favorite or most interesting forms of entertainment?  what is our school day like? etc.
Create a "time capsule" that contains objects that would be important in telling the story of today's youth.
Your group will the time capsule to the class.  Each group member must lead an equal share of the presentation.  (3 minute maximum/5 minute minimum)

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Chapter Review--India--All work should be in your notebook
Read "Learn the Skill", p. 177
Complete "Practice the Skill", p. 177 1-3
Complete RVtaP, p. 178--1-3, 5-7
Complete CCT Lessons 1, 2, and 3
Complete RT, p. 179
Have you carried out what you wrote on your link this week?  Why or why not?
Complete SSS, 19



Read pp.153-154
When you come to class Wednesday:
-know the Varnas levels and what jobs are represented in each level
-know the Caste Norms



Raja Speech--Make a Choice
You are a raja of a small village.  Local herders have come to you and said they need more land for their crops and animals.  As the leader, you have a choice.  You can either go to war with a larger, stronger village nearby and takeouts land, or you can try to find a peaceful solution to your people's growing needs.  
Write a speech in which you explain your decision to your people.



Lesson 1 Assessment numbers 1 and 2 only.



Realm of the Dead story due
Check your class notes to make sure that your story matches all the criteria!



Due Third Period
You are a farmers from the Indus River Valley.  One of your family members has just returned from his or her first journey to the city of Mohenjo-Daro or Harappa.
Create a skit reenacting the traveler's return.  One group member should be the person who made the journey, while others play the roles of siblings.  
The brothers and sisters should ask questions about daily life in the city and achievements of its people.  The traveler needs to create simple drawings showing what buildings and roads looked like and use them to help answer questions that the siblings have.



What are a U.S. president’s war powers?

With a drone strike last week, President Donald Trump authorized the killing of a prominent Iranian military figure–Qassem Soleimani– and also reopened a potentially explosive debate about when presidents can use their military power without approval from Congress.

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on, and pass, a resolution aimed at limiting the president’s power to engage militarily with Iran. It is not expected to pass the Senate.

As that debate swirls, we thought it might be helpful to look at recent conflicts which were—or were not—authorized by Congress.

First, some important terms that you will likely hear more this week:

Article II powers – this is a reference to the president’s powers enumerated in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. Article II designates the president as the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

War powers resolution – this can be a broad term, referring to an act of Congress intended to grant, or more often limit, broad war powers of the president. But it also is a phrase used to describe the 1973 War Powers Act, which set Congressional guidelines for the president’s deployment of military force.

Authority to Use Military Force – this is a resolution passed by each house of Congress which grants a president specific powers to launch military action, often against a specific group or location.

Recent major hostilities and authorization or lack thereof:

Korean War. 1950 – 1953.
No Congressional authorization.
1.7 million U.S. troops deployed in theater.

Vietnam War. 1964 – 1974.
No Congressional authorization.
3.4 million U.S. troops deployed in theater.

Gulf War. 1991.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 250-183. Senate 52-47.
500,000 U.S. troops sent to Persian Gulf.

War on Terror. 2001 – present.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 420 – 1. Senate 98 – 0.
Initially included 775,000 troops sent to Afghanistan.

Iraq War. 2002.
Authorization for Use of Military Force granted by Congress.
House 296 – 133. Senate 77 – 23.
170,000 U.S. troops at peak deployment in Iraq.



Lectio Divina worksheet:
complete #s 1-5 AND choose one passage to pray over as described by the priest in the video.



Read Lesson 2, The Old Kingdom (pp. 110-116)
This should be worked on during the Religion Period as well.
Finish viewing Egypt Video
Complete Egypt Scavenger Hunt packet.
Define in your nb: Old Kingdom, Theocracy, Khufu, nobles, afterlife, mummies, pyramids, engineering
1. p.111--Which group helped carry out religious rituals?
2. How was society structured in the Old Kingdom?
3. p. 112 Why was it necessary for both governments to manage water?
4. p. 114--Where is Osirius in this drawing?  Explain the details that help identify him as the god of the underworld.
5. How did religious beliefs affect Egyptian burial practices?
6. p. 116--Why were pyramids important to the ancient Egyptians?
HW: Complete the Lesson 2 Assessment on p. 116.



Know all of the Nicene Creed



Section 1 Assessment p. 109, 1a, 1b and 1c in notebook



Make an Argument
Position 1
Laws are necessary for the protection of individuals and society.
Position 2
Laws are not necessary for the protection of individuals and society.
Choose one argument or the other.  Brainstorm reasons that support whichever side you have chosen.



6 Social Studies


Read the following info:

Hammurabi’s Code


Background Information:


  1. Hammurabi was a king of Babylonia in southern Mesopotamia (the site of present-day Iraq).He probably ruled for about 40 years beginning in 1792 B.C. Babylon was one of several city-states in this area near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Hammurabi was a skilled military leader and under his leadership, Babylon conquered the other city-states of the area and united much of Mesopotamia under his authority.
  2. Hammurabi was also a skilled administrator. He is most famous for his code of laws. Many of these laws came from the city-state of Sumer, but they added a new concept — that of revenge instead of just punishment.For example, under Sumerian law, the punishment for crimes was often a fine; under Hammurabi’s law, the guideline was “an eye for an eye.” Punishment also depended on who was wronged. If a person put out the eye of a slave, he would not lose his eye but would pay a fine. If that person put out the eye of a noble man, he would lose his eye as punishment.
  3. Hammurabi had his laws posted throughout Babylonia. They were written on stone slabs and placed in prominent places for the people to see.There were 282 laws as far as we know. Interestingly, there was no law number 13 — it was an unlucky number even then.


 HW--Due Wednesday:

  1. 1. From the laws that you studied in class, which one do you think is best? Worst? Explain your answers.
  2. 2. Ask your parents to tell you which of our present laws they think are best and worst. Ask them why they chose those laws. Record their answers.
  3. 3. With your parents, brainstorm careers that would need to have a strong knowledge of our law code. (Think outside the box on this one; who besides law enforcement people need to be familiar with the laws of our city/county/state?)



Read the following article on Hammurabi's Code:



Yosemite Reflection Questions


How did you feel about you cabin mates?  Were you nervous?
Who was in your trail group?  
What happened on your challenge hike?  How did completing it make you feel?
Tell me about your guide.
How is this trip different than regular classes at school?
How was the food?
How did the week change you?
Are you happy you went?
What was your greatest accomplishment of the week?
What is something you learned  about one of your classmates?
Which evening program was most interesting?
What was it like hiking at night?


Favorite part of the trip

Least favorite part of the trip?

 What would you change?



Read the Epic of Gilgamesh excerpt on pp. 80-81.
Answer the 2 questions that follow the story in your notebook.  Heading = "The Epic of Gilgamesh"



The emoluments clause, also called the foreign emoluments clause, is a provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 8) that generally prohibits federal officeholders from receiving any gift, payment, or other thing of value from a foreign state or its rulers, officers, or representatives. The clause provides that:No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

The Constitution also contains a “domestic emoluments clause” (Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 7), which prohibits the president from receiving any “Emolument” from the federal government or the states beyond “a Compensation” for his “Services” as chief executive.



Read pp-66-69 very carefully!



Chapter 2 Test



Great Serpent Mound Packet--distributed in class on Monday



Read pp.55-58
Complete lesson 3 Assessment p. 58 1 and 2 only
Complete Practice the Skill p. 59
Review Themes p. 61 #9
Reading Skills p. 61 10 and 11
Focus on Writing p. 61 Storyboard Rough Draft due Wednesday



From Mr. Provost--He asked me to post his Music assignment here:

Essential Ideas: People write songs because they have something to say and want to share it with the world. When people put those messages to music they create art that can have a big impact on our lives. Often times we strongly identify with certain songs. Why is this?

Assignment: Choose a song to share with me and your class. It should be a song you’ve known for years that has a message you feel symbolizes what you’re all about or touches on a concept that is important to you. Please bring me one printed copy of the lyrics to your chosen song. You can also email them to me. On your lyric sheet please include your name, the date, the title of the song, the name of the songwriter(s) and the name of the recording artist whose version you chose. 

DUE: Have your lyric sheet turned into me on or before Tuesday, 10/8/19.


The song must incorporate language and subject matter that is appropriate for use at Corpus Christi School. In other words, if you’re going to choose a “clean version” of a popular song in which the subject matter (what the song is about) is inappropriate but the offensive language is removed or replaced - this will not work. A song that is essentially appropriate but needs a word or two changed is ok. Please include any necessary lyric changes on your lyric sheet that you turn in. If there are any questions about this please see me. Please keep in mind that trying to test which inappropriate songs can sneak in misses the point of this assignment

Be prepared to explain to the class exactly why your chosen song is a symbol for what you believe in. What is it about the song’s message that echoes your beliefs? Why do you identify with this song?

Sometimes certain songs or pieces of music evoke feelings that can be interpreted in colors. During music class you will be given a small selection of printouts of some works of the artist Mark Rothko, an American painter whose work with unique combinations of colors was a big part of his expression as an artist. You will be asked to select the printout containing colors that you feel most relate to your chosen song/recording. Go with your gut feeling on this part - there’s no wrong answer!

Lastly, please be prepared to analyze the musical arrangement of the recording of your song to the best of your ability. What is it about the track that catches your ears or makes you feel like you want to hear it over and over again? Certain instruments or textures? Sounds? Vocal arrangements? Be prepared to discuss this.

This assignment will be worth 30% of your final grade in Music. 

Have fun with it!

I look forward to learning more about the music that matters to you,

Mr. Provost



Mysteries of Mankind Video Questions
1.  How do the chimpanzees defend themselves from the "leopard"?  What is the theory of how early humans defended themselves against danger?
2. What theory does the video offer as to why Australopithicus became extinct?
3. Speculate: Why are the remains of "tool users" most often found near water sources?
4. What role does rain play in excavation in Kenya?
5. What is culture?  What does the development of more advanced tools have to do with the culture of homo erectus?
6. Speculate: Why do you think no human or hominid bones have been found at Box Grove but their tools have?
7. How is the way archaeological sites are excavated now from in the past?
8. Define: geology, physical anthropology and zoology
What role does each of these fields play in the study of the past?
Project: The Migration Song
Reread People Move Out of Africa p. 50 (together)
There are two types of migration: voluntary (to search for better opportunities) and forced (to escape climate changes, war or other problems).
Question:  Was the early migration of early humans voluntary or forced?
With your partner, write a song that early peoples could have sung as they migrated to new lands.  Songs should tell about the circumstances of the group's migration.  Use vocabulary from this section of the text in your lyrics.  (migrate, ice age, land bridge, Mesolithic Era).  Your song should go with a popular or familiar tune.
Example: To the Happy Birthday Song
We're migrating now
We're migrating now
We're leaving East Africa,
We're migrating now



p. 46 in text
sketch each (4) of the skulls on the page
write down the notes that are given about each of the skulls
In short, I am asking that you recreate p. 46 in your notebook.



Get condensed vocabulary list from a trusted friend if you missed class today.
Study all chapter 1 vocabulary words
"quest" is next Wednesday.
Don't wait until the last minute to study.


